OK- so I have lived in the DC area for most of my life. Moving here when I was around 5 years old. I find the weather to be nice. We get all 4 seasons and each has it's own wonderful aspects (well except winter I guess). The summers are hot and steamy- hot enough at night to drive with windows down and to wear shorts. I love the summers. Granted the 90+ degree days with high humidity can be tough- but overall the summers are nice. Springs are usually a bit cold but lately they have been crisp, clear and with great sunny weather. Perfect for jeans and a T-shirt. Fall is a favorite- the trees change and the weather stays nice and reasonable for a long time- from Sept through the beginning of Dec. Now lets talk about the winter. Normally we get a little snow- I say little because it never amounts to much- maybe 2-3 inches 2-3 times a season. Maybe some ice. Mostly rain and a bunch of bad forecasts. Something has happened this winter. We have already had 1 bad snow fall and a few minor snow falls and winter is only half over. Now they are saying this weekend we will get hammered by another 2 feet of snow. This will be close to 5 feet total this season. As far as I can remember this is the worst winter we have had in this area. I can remember several significant snow falls over the years- usually every 5 to 6 years, however this is the first time I remember so much snow in the same season. It is killing me. I hate it. Thank god I decided to break down and buy a snow blower before the first huge snow. That was the best $400 I have ever spent. So I have to give credit where credit is due. I have complained for years that the weathermen in the DC area suck. Well, they generally do. In this case they have predicted EVERY last snow fall and the amounts almost perfectly. Good for them. So they should be proud and happy that they know before the rest of us (actually know).
So I guess I am sick of snow, sick of cold and sick of Winter. Because of this I will be burning extra fossil fuels, doing my part to bring on global warming. The reason? Because if it is actually possible for humans to impact the environment SO easily and we are the cause of global warming, then I wish it to happen faster. I really see no problem with it. What happens? My environment gets a few degrees warmer, the sea level rises a bit (which means I am close to the sea), and I get less damn snow. More rain is OK- but less damn snow is what I want. I honestly think if all of us tried to impact the environment to warm faster that we would be in better shape from the mid-Atlantic states on up.
What I do not get is that most liberals believe in evolution almost entirely. If this was the case then why have we not adapted better to lets say:
1) The cold- we LOST all our hair rather than growing more. We have lived in places like Alaska and Siberia for thousands of years with no base level change to a simple thing like hair.
2) The sun. For as long as humans have lived on earth we have had the Sun. It provides life as well as warmth. And yet if we look at it we go blind. You would think our eyes would have adapted to such a powerful thing. Cave dwelling animals give up eyes after only 3 or 4 generations- but those of us in the sunlight have not done anything to adapt to the strong ass sun blinding us if we simply look up for any period of time. Not to mention more melanoma rather than less. I know, I know. The melanoma is because we have destroyed our environment letting the sun in through the Ozone Layer. BS.
The simple fact of the matter is that God put us here and our adaptation is not fast enough to change to the environment that is perfect for us to thrive. It seems rather strange to me.
So on that note- Burn more fuel- change our environment to much warmer if you can and maybe we can stop all the damn snow. It is good for NOTHING (unless you like skiing).
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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A nice Sunset in MX

I took this when I was in Mexico. It makes me relax just looking at it.....
Just count the snow as another example of Al Gore's brand of "global warming". Actually, looking at a single year, or even a 10-20 year period is not enough to plot a valid trend. I do believe the earth is warming, part of an ongoing cycle that predates man on the planet. At best, all our pollution, all our burning of various fuels, everything we do has little, if any, impact on the environment. If it is warming, it has done so before. Hence several ice ages followed by retreats from ice ages. How come a present day liberal can look at a snapshot of a single phase of an ongoing cycle and decide that the environment at that time is the "ideal", and that we shouldn't vary from it. Idiotic!! By the way, I LIKE snow, especially in large amounts.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you like it. I hate it. I wish I could move someplace where snow is a long lost memory. But alas being close to family is more important that being someplace without snow.