First- how annoying that I cannot write a post on my blackberry. Maybe my next smart phone will be smart enough to write a blog post- but not my current one.
In any case- an egregious disrespect of the customers at the DMV took place. This may upset some- it may outrage others. My opinion is that everyone, EVERYONE should wait in line the same way. No special privileges should be given. Why? Because it is not FAIR. We all pay the same and it is a government service- so no special privilege should be given. Today I waited 30 minutes in the INFO line. That's right- before I ever got a NUMBER I had to wait for all the illegal aliens, teens that had suspended licenses (I know because I could hear the questions being asked) and general population like myself. 30 minutes to say- please give me a number so I can get a new title. Finally I get my number and sit down. a minute later a poor old woman with a walker makes her way across the floor with the security guard in tow. She had just gotten there and asked for help. He took her to the front of the still very extensive line and made her "next". As he walked by me I heard him say to her- no you do not have to wait- I will take you right up here. She asked- In front of all those people? He said "yes". I was glad I already had my number because if I did not I would have been asshole of the the year when I complained about this practice. Here is the problem. The DMV should know and understand the customer base. They should KNOW and understand that lines will form. They should know and understand that people that come in may not be able to STAND for 30 minutes in a slow moving line. They should compensate somehow so all people are treated the same. Back in the old days you just took a number and sat down. Now you have to wait in line to take a number. WTF? So I guess we will need to take a number to take a number because there were MORE than enough seats for people to sit in. That nice old lady could have waited just like everyone else.
It seems wrong, but in reality it was wrong for her to cut in line and it was wrong for the security guard to make her.
Thoughts? Who else would sign up to be a massive a-hole? Who would stay silent? Who would welcome her to the front of the line so they could wait even longer to get a number?
Sound off.
Monday, February 22, 2010
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A nice Sunset in MX

I took this when I was in Mexico. It makes me relax just looking at it.....
The DMV has come a long way with what you can do online which has helped lines. Most of the folks in the lines did not research what they needed to do, what they needed to bring prior to showing up which is why the other line was created. In the past, people would just get a number and sit and wait to be called. An hour later, they get called up only to find out they brought the wrong paperwork or filled out the wrong form. As for the old lady, I would pass on getting angry at that. She has been waiting in lines for 80 years, give her a break :)
ReplyDeletehey Bud, is ericamyty.blogspot yours too? Hho is Heather, might I follow her blog?
ReplyDeletei think just walking into the DMV gives everyone a case of the crusties. you know before you get there that you're going to have to wait, the customer "service" people will be bland and businesslike, and you know if it wasn't a government run institution it would run like clockwork.
ReplyDeleteto wait in line for 30 min to get a number would make me go crazy in public. i would have had to restrain myself from saying something to the security dude, but if i were him, i would have done the same thing. let little old ladies sit. i'm with mark on that one.
thank goodness there are more opportunities to take care of business online.
Heather doesn't have a blog, so noone can follow it. :)
ReplyDeleteYes the other blog is a part of the Schuster family, but it is about Ty - I'll give you access.